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You are all right never again will I buy a car from Arnold Clark there after sales service is crap, there parts are crap, there staff are crap and speak a load of crap.

I Bought a Band new Saxo VTR from Arnold Clark in ABERDEEN and I wish I had gone some where else.
I would love to tell you all about it but for a 6 months old car the list is endless..


Bought a Vauxhall astra from Arnold Clark Aberdeen (ford) and after a year I am still waiting the log book.
Every dealers the same as far as I am concerned but Arnolds are really bad.


We have had 2 cars from Arnold Clark, Kingsway, Dundee in the last 15 months.  We bought a Renault Laguna first.  After a few weeks the front suspension went and then we had to get new shock absorbers, the suspension bearings then went and then the drive shaft fell off while driving.  The majority of these faults were very conveniently not under warranty.  We then decided to get rid of that car and got a Mazda 626 from them.  Within the first few days the radio went, the brake discs were buckled.  We then had to have the back shock absorbers had to be replaced and the wrong plugs had been put in when it had it's pre-check from Arnold Clark, but they could not fix it and sent us to a Mazda dealer.  We then found out while it was at the Mazda garage they discovered a recall notice had not been carried out by Arnold Clark as they were the registered owner before we bought it.  The staff at the garage were unhelpful and did not seem to know what the other one was doing as you would!
d get a different story every time you phoned. We still think there are problems with the suspension, but Arnold Clark have washed their hands of them.  We have plenty more stories regarding our dealings with this garage and I would advise anyone looking for a car not to go to Arnold Clark as they seem content to sell unroadworthy cars.  .


Just love the site. can you please add my comments to your forum ?
I had reason to complain about the service department of the Rover dealership on Hamilton Road, Glasgow three months ago. my car was booked in for a service and as usual the money they were getting for the service did not appear to be enough for them. they phoned me to tell me that I would need new brake pads all round, a part of my exhaust would need replacing, a crankshaft oil seal was needed and various other little things that would add up to over £200 on top of my service bill. I refused to authorize them for this work and picked my car up the following day. I then took the vehicle to a Kwik fit outlet close to my home and asked the mechanic to have a quick look at my exhaust and my brake pads. this he did and reported back to me that my exhaust was perfect and I could look forward another 10.000 miles from my brake pads. now what does Arnold Clark think he is playing at ?
I'll tell you what he is playing at, he was in my opinion trying it on with me and attempting to get a few quid out of me when my car did clearly not require the work.
I telephoned the branch to complain but they were adamant that the work needed done, I phoned the head office but I would have been better sticking my head up the exhaust pipe as they were a total waste of space.
I have learned my lesson with Mr. Arnold Clark and his organization. I know that had I given permission to carry out this work I would have been £200 poorer, Mr. Clark would have been £200 richer and I would have been none the wiser, as it is I saved myself £200 and have promised myself never to return.
ps, the brake pads and the exhaust are still on the car and still working perfectly.
I would be grateful if you could add this e-mail to your site.


Thanks for your great Web Site.  We were in the Lexus garage in Glasgow on the verge of parting with nearly £20,000. When we went round the back of the garage we noticed an Arnold Clark sign which we were not very happy about as we have heard rumours about this mans dealings before. However the salesman explained that due to Lexus very high standards AC wouldn't get the dealership if he didn't meet these. They didn't have the exact model we were looking for so we have been waiting for one to come in. Luckily Goggle led us here and now there is no way I will buy a Lexus from this man. Thank You very much for our very narrow escape. And I shall be emailing Lexus and forwarding this site to them.


Thanks for saving me some hard earned money, I know where I won't be going for my next car..


Crow road Volkswagen. paid my £140 quid was told my new Polo would be with me in a week. when I called I was firstly told that there isn't any Volkswagen Polo's in the country and they could get me one in 17 days. then after 17 days they tell me that they have me a polo but the roof is cracked. Oh well these things happen. next think is they tell me that after fixing roof they find that axel is twisted. now hold on here a minute, do you or do you not want to sell me a car? I got so fed up with the whole lot of them I asked for my £140 and tin of paint back. I'm still waiting but wont wait too long as I have a team of lawyers standing by to take them to the cleaners and they know it.


WORD ON THE WORKSHOP FLOOR. don't know if this information is right but word in  workshop is that Arnold has paid a small fortune to try to have your web pages excluded from the major search engines. he bought up all the domains  that have Arnold or Clark in them also bought domains that have Clarke in them. see the spelling mistake? Keywords ( Microsoft's) with Arnold, Clark, Clarke. have also been scooped up by Arnold Clark Automobiles aka the wee man. we all know that this is an attempt to make sure that surfers get to his site and not to your site but it not working for the wee man so many persons get to your site we in employ of Arnold pass site address around in pub and to persons who walk onto sales floor, good site now people now that AC has lousy car and lousy people working for him.


I note with interest that no one seems to have anything to say about Arnold Clark Insurance Services. May I be the first to comment on this branch of the Arnold Clark Empire ? I was phoning around last week looking for insurance for my car (Rover 600 si) and you would not believe the difference in price. Arnold quoted me £465 but I managed to secure a deal for £330 from the RAC insurers. It does pay to shop around and if I may point out an interesting fact surrounding this issue, if I had paid Arnold Clark £465, that's £135 more than the RAC wanted, would I have better cover ? would I have gained in any way whatsoever ? not a chance. Messer's Clark and son would have stuffed my 135 quid into their coffers and ripped off yet another would be customer.


ARNOLD CLARK Great Homer Street. Liverpool.

Bought a Seat from this man. you people up in Scotty land must be real daft. water was leaking into the car from the passengers door and water was leaking out of the engine through the water pump. could this crowd of chancers fix it ? no chance, they had the car on at least 12 occasions.
can I tell you about the rattle from the front wheels ? can I tell you about how the heater worked a treat in the summer but as soon as it got near winter the heater blows cold air ? can I also tell you about the time they charged me for a load of work but the car sat in the service yard all day ?
you know what you can do with your Arnold Clark Automobiles ? you can take them back over the friggin border and keep them there.


The above information is provided for convenience as part of the service we offer at this website. However, the webmaster cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Visitors who rely on this information do so at their own risk.


Are you really going to buy a car off this company ? PLEASE read some more comments before you decide.