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I work for a major Renault dealership's servicing department (NOT AC!) & we are constantly having customers coming in who through no fault of their own, have inadvertently invalidated their 3-year manufacturers warranty...It seems Arnolds Sharks have been advising their customers that they can return to AC Fiat, Rover, Nissan or whatever, to have servicing carried out & that it wont affect their warranty...WRONG!!! I have had to cancel so many warranties because of this that if we ever get any of Arnolds victims in through our doors, we now have to double check that the poor sods know the rules & hopefully we can avoid problems before they happen...Are the sales people merely Misinformed, or is it just a ruse to gain repeat servicing business?
I bought a nearly new Peugeot 306 from Marchargs (part of the Arnie Clark group)
a few years ago - Upon delivery I noticed several faults:
i. Engine frequently overheated
ii. Electric window switches didn't illuminate when the lights were on
iii. Rev counter needle would drop & stick to zero for no apparent reason
iv. No service history (as promised)
v. Within 3 weeks of collecting the car, the exhaust fell off - Arnie promised
to 'contribute' 50% towards a new one!

I paid 'cash' for the car & was really pissed off with the after-sales service cut a very long story short, the car went back at least 8 times -
The rev counter problem was never fixed, it took 3 visits (they gave me a lovely
Micra as a courtesy car!) to sort out the overheating issue, only one switch was
ever fixed, blah, blah, blah.....

I have since bought a brand new Megane Coupe from Reg Vardy Renault on
Pollockshaws road & was horrified to discover that Renault UK have restructured
their dealership network and awarded Renault Glasgow to, yes you've guessed it,
Arnie Clark - To say I am a little hacked off is an understatement! I would
rather chew my own bollocks than get my car serviced by this by this bunch of
idiots !

Use Arnold Clark at your peril

Had some poor service from A.C in the past but decided to check their website to see what
they had to offer. Just stumbled onto your website by mistake after doing a
search for A.C

There is no way they will get their hands on my hard earned 5K after reading
these horror stories.

P.S e-mailed this website to everybody in my address book!

I bought a car from Arnold Clark and had no problems but my sister bought one and it has been a nightmare. She will send you details of her experience no doubt. I just thought id point out their current “real sale” the real Arnold Clark advertises it on the radio. If you look at their “sale” prices and compare them with parkers or what car price guides you will notice that they are all roughly 500 quid more expensive than their book retail value.

I was looking at a car and the AC salesman told me on a Wednesday “that car won’t be here by the weekend not at that price” guess what it was still there 3 weeks later. Seems their contempt for the public is beginning to reap its rewards. Its made round to go round.


I too, wish to remain anonymous as i work for the wee man himself, but in reply
to the sexual harassment case at Stirling would like to cover a few
1. I accept a certain amount of flirtatious behavior takes place at work but
what this girl was put through was hellish, she was extremely new to the company
and after being there a month or two the harassment started, it started with the
stroking of arms and face and led to having breasts groped and hands up her
skirt, and at one point i believe she was cornered in a cupboard. It then
progressed to text messages of an obscene behavior.
Why didn't she stop it, she tried when it got to the physical stage only to be
met by 4 hour grueling interviews and her name blackened throughout the site
and other branches as a nutcase, lesbian, hooker etc.
2. The managers defense: She's out to get me, she has been sleeping with other
people on site, she offered to put on a lesbian sex show, she was harassing me,
he even went as far as to tell people she had been cornering him. so which one
is it or is it that the desperate, dirty, sleazebag had no defense so just tried
3.Company Policy: Okay we can't deny it, so we will find him guilty but will
keep him in post for 4 months as we cant find another suitable replacement maybe
all managers have their brains in their trousers) but we will move her for a
month to an adjoining branch so she can take the ridicule for a while, then when
she copes with that we will move her.
I know this girl reasonably well but not on a friendly level and i know this
isn't over yet, and wont be until that fat, ginger headed tosser is moved. Start
counting your pennies Arnie looks like you might be going to court and take that
perverted bar steward with you.

Hi, just thought I would send a beacon of hope to all Arnold's Renault
owners...I have been dealing with GLENVARIGILL RENAULT in Kirkcaldy, Fife after
Arnold couldn't fix my Laguna's heating system...The bloke in the service
department (Garry possibly???) has been 1st class & my car was repaired while I
sat & had a coffee (Took them 45 minutes) Why did Arnold take 2 days yet still
no conclusion yet these guys did it so quick!!! They're definitely worth a try
if you can make the trip.

Right folks, before you buy a car from AC that's 3 years old or more, my advice
is DO NOT!!!!, right in December 2000 we got a 97 R Astra 1.6 LS from Arnold
Clark vauxhall in Linwood, had 7500 MILES no i haven't made a mistake plus 1 ex
motability owner, we thought it was reliable until 1 year later when we went for
a new MOT (not at AC) car now had 13,400 miles and it cost us £170 to get it
fixed in December 2001 and just on December there December 2002 with 19,700
miles it cost us £300 to get it through a MOT, firstly when AC mot'd it at
exactly 1 week after it turned 3 years old the salesman said it passed MOT with
flying colours so why the fuck did it fail twice in a row after that at under
20,000 miles when I know people who drive older astras and had them never
failing a MOT despite 50,000 miles on them. AC did something to me cars mileage
I think or they just bought back another shit heap to go with their other stock
full of em, so in 3 months I'm getting a Citroen C5 from !
Citroen Glasgow for £300 more than AC want for one but at least it'll be cheaper
over 3 years. P.s. I've had 3 cars from AC and 2 have been nothing but trouble
while my P reg Chrysler were written off before it had chance to go wrong so
that's why I bought another from him cost I thought me first was just a banger or
just a pish make but worst mistake of my life. Take my advice..

Arnold Clark is bad bad news

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Are you really going to buy a car off this company ? PLEASE read some more comments before you decide.