Arnold Clark Sucks



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we visited machargs in Glasgow
on the 5th of January 04 drove
30 miles to see a car they told
us was in nice condition the
car in question was a a;class
Mercedes on a t plate £6495 it
was in the auto trader for it
had been in for a few weeks as
we spotted it before xmas
we had been to Perth to see a
similar model but it was a manual transmission lovely order it was at weir's almond
bank it had only done 26000k
miles but as this one in Glasgow was a bit cheaper and
semi automatic we went to see
it the sales man phoned us 20
minutes after we set of from
fife to ask where we were and
to introduce himself we said we
were on our way eta 20 mins we
got there and bearing in mind
this was a main rover mg outlet I thought we were going
to see a nice car how wrong I
was on the phone he told us the
car was just about finished in
the workshop and was being
valleted he took us out to see
the car and it was out the back had not even been washed
hoovered there was little dings
on the side of the car there
was scratches round the door
locks under the bonnet the power steering fluid was just
about empty the car was a heap
all I said to him was our car
is immaculate and I could not
see how the salesman thought
he could sell us that car with
pride and that he totally wasted
our time and petrol so of to
Perth we went and although it
was a Mercedes franchise the
price was £6995 oh by the way
the salesman at machargs told
us the mileage on their car was
40k in actual fact it showed
48000 miles the one which we did
buy in Perth I took for a road
test only had two faults it
needed front discs and anti roll bar bushes at the back as
I heard a knock when going over
a bump in the road the car is
now in the workshop being prep
pared for us to pick up on the
12th Jan with 12 months warranty you get the feeling
you are dealing with the right
kind of people at weirs at
Arnold Clark you are just a £
sign for the salesman I will
keep you posted on the new car
but stay away from Arnold their
cars are very poor quality
and would I have got a year's
warranty with arny I think not
well by for now 
 Message: just a warning from a concerned member of staff.
I work at a large dealership and frequently witness people being charged full manufacturer's prices for parts which in fact are ordered in from non franchised dealers. these parts can sometimes be of substandard (not always), but are always bought  in at a lower price. what does this mean for arnie? more profit and more hassle for the customer (usually).
p.s. ask if the parts fitted to your car are in fact original manufacturer's parts and if not ask if you are paying the full price. probably




What a brilliant site, unfortunately for me, it’s way too late.


I traded in an X plate Mondeo  at Arnold Clark Alexandra parade Glasgow ,  , against a brand new 4X4.

The car had not even done 20 miles when the ABS failed, well, I thought these teething things happen with new cars, Arnold will fix it ok. WRONG!  When I took the car back after phoning them, they were supposed to drop me at my office, the stupid wee girl just laughed at me and told me to get the bus!

It took them three visits and 5 days to fix it! After that the car was back another 4 times in three weeks for other stuff.

It’s not that there was really any thing badly wrong with the car, In fact I’m pleased with the car,  it’s the attitude and incompetence of the after sales people.


It’s like they say when you’re of the phone, “ it’s HIM again, what  does he want NOW!?”


Then the radio/CD system went – twice! I got Fed up and contacted the car manufacturer and complained bitterly about Arnold ’s after sales technique. I now deal with them directly if there is an issue.


The really interesting bit is the car I traded in was bought from Arnold some where else( trying not to give too much away – don’t want the “boys” round at my door!) and I discovered by coincidence after I traded it in that it’s airbags had been deployed – now that only means one thing – a fairly serious prang.  I had my suspicions about that car since it was never done wearing out tyres and disks and it had only done 26k when I traded up. On my last visit to the showroom to pick up my new car after it’s last repair, I spotted my old car getting hoisted onto a break down truck outside the RI. After a wee bit of digging at the show room  I discovered they were trying to placate it’s new owner by taking it to their Ford garage when the transmission failed! After only 26K! Conclusion? The must have know at the other Arnold branch that it had been pranged and “omitted” to tell anyone.


As I said, It’s too late for me as I’ve bought the new car from them but I’m investigating the possibility of getting (A) the work they have already done checked and (B) getting any other work done at another franchise not owned by the Arnold Mafia.


All the best and keep up the good work


Citroen Xsara Picasso - Reg: X828 NEN

The above vehicle was ‘serviced’ at Arnold Clark Aigburth on the 3rd
November 2003. My wife left the vehicle at the garage and made use of a
courtesy car.

During the course of the afternoon, my wife received a telephone call,
advising her that the front brake pads required replacement. The brake pads
were renewed during the previous service which was carried out on 23rd
October 2002, and accordingly my wife raised this point with yourselves, but
was simply answered; ‘you can’t legislate for the way people drive’. My wife
agreed to have the brake pads renewed, not knowing at the time how many
miles the car had traveled since the previous service.

We were astonished to receive an invoice totaling £383.54 in respect of a
37,500 mile service, an MOT and the renewal of the front brake pads. I am
also very surprised to note that 4 x spark plugs cost £29.48 ex VAT.

Upon collecting the vehicle and returning home, we noted that the brake pads
had been in place for only 9481 miles. We also noted that the service record
shows that the front brake pad wear was 25% to 75%, whilst the invoice
states ‘Brake pads have approximately 25% left’. As noted above, my wife was
advised that the front brake pads required replacement, which is clearly not
the case.

The vehicle is driven with absolute care, with our two children as
passengers on most occasions that the vehicle is driven. Accordingly, the
speed is maintained at a safe speed and approaches to junctions and bends
are carried out without any ‘over exuberant’ braking such that the brake
pads wear excessively. Additionally, my wife and I have absolutely perfect
licenses, without any speeding or similar penalties on our licenses.

I am a consulting engineer, and I do not for one minute believe that brake
pads can wear at such rates, unless the pads were sub-standard at the
outset. If that is the case then Arnold Clark must be held responsible for
supplying a sub-standard product.

Under the circumstances I am wholly incensed that you have suggested that
the brake pads required replacement and I believe you have taken advantage
of the fact that a female delivered the car for the service. I therefore
expect a refund in full, and unless I am totally satisfied I shall refuse to
deal with any Arnold Clark establishment again.

We have recently been test driving a Nissan Xtrail at Nissan Sefton St, as I
am planning to change my BMW 5 series. However, I will not do business with
any branch of Arnold Clark unless this matter is resolved, and accordingly I
will purchase the vehicle from an alternative source. I will also endeavor
to pursue this matter further if necessary.


 Message: Like the site, I have also had problems with Arnold.  First I get a car with numerous problems from faulty seat belts and other bits, then three weeks down the line, after a "full service" the bloody thing blows up.  They then mess me around with various courtesy cars, always giving me no petrol (not great for a student).  Then when I finally get my own car back, they have lost my Cd player.  Not an apology in sight, now there's a surprise.  Still waiting on my Cd player, silent driving isn't that much fun.  Any info of similar circumstances would be appreciated so I can screw those gits like they have me! 18.12.2003
In July I bought a y -Reg yellow punto sporting which recently has started
idling up and down to the point of cutting out and
chugging when running. The car is under extended warranty but when I took it
the Arnold Clark dealer in Falkirk they told
me oh sorry your warranty doesn't cover the diagnostic test that's needed to
see what the problem is. ( Anyone can be a  mechanic then if all you can do
is plug in to a computer and wait for the printout) Apparently I have a
faulty lamda sensor. When they contacted the warranty people they said they
have no record of a 12,000 mile service so I have no warranty leaving me
with a bill for over £100. When I complained I'm faced with stupid wee girls
who know nothing about cars at the service desk and a manager who just
wants money!! the service from these people is a disgrace and worst of all
its taken a day and a half to fix the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I bought a brand new Punto from Arnold Clark a few years ago, the first one was a replacement that my insurance company bought after my car was written off. When I was asked to choose my accessories I was told by the 'salesman' (loose phrase) that I couldn't choose my wheels as only they could do that?! Strange after all it was my money after all, is that not what they call them Options?
Anyway when I finally got the pile of crap, sorry car, it had about 30 faults , scratches, dents, a CD player fitted, but they had cut holes in the carpet in the wrong place and left the hole....I'll not bore you with all the other faults. I even dropped the car off at the garage and told them I wasn't budging until they looked at it!
Needless to say I battled and battled even got a letter from the Alistair guy in Customer 'relations'. Pointless, I could have got more satisfaction by getting the teletubbies to write it. FIAT got involved and they agreed with some of the stuff, but AC were so useless that again, the teletubbies could have fixed it better.
6 months later - I couldn't cope with the crapiness of the car, and my only way out was to trade it in for another Punto, unfortunately at Arnold Shark.
It too was shit. from day 1 I had millions of problems. Scratches and dents (well what do you expect its only a FIAT, said the salesman). Having said that when I collected my car with a mechanic friend Mr. Salesman was walking on eggshells as I picked out all the faults before I signed for it!! Thought he was going to have a breakdown. Luckily he did not as he had heard how shit the AC breakdown recovery was!!!!!!
Anyway had the car for 6 months, it spent 4 of those in the garage waiting on a bit coming from Mars, I think. kept complaining and nowt was done. Eventually the steering column snapped (while I was driving) and FIAT took the car off me and gave me another 1. Probably to shut me up. It ran faultlessly!!
The moral is. Don't buy a car from AC. You canny complain cos nobody is interested, they've got your money after all! You cant go to the press cos he 'owns' the car advertising. So save your cash and buy a dodgy 24th hand car from the market for £200. It will be more reliable, have a better history and you can toss it away. just like customers from AC feel like!!!!


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