Arnold Clark Sucks



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I purchased an 850 estate from your Aberdeen Volvo dealership early this month and have had to endure several return trips to your Dealership due to faults with the car; this not only cost me money in terms of fuel but also in terms of time, I am a family man.

I once again dropped the car off for repairs on Saturday 24th January 2004 and was given a courtesy car. The car was very low on fuel and I barely made it to a garage.

I drove the car on Sunday the 25th January 2004 and needed to use the screen washer whilst on the A90 dual carriageway. No water came out and the screen became opaque.

I was in effect blind and had no way off the carriageway for several miles.

 All I could do was to stay close behind a lorry and follow it as it would have been very dangerous to stop in the actual carriageway itself; I eventually managed with great difficulty, to negotiate my way into a parking area.

I found the bonnet release and it appeared to be broken, I could not open the bonnet.

I had to use water from a puddle to clean the screen and with a clear screen made my way to a Shell station where I stopped and again tried to open the bonnet. I could not.

I called my wife and asked her to call Arnold Clarke Aberdeen for assistance and help and if all else failed I would call assistance myself.

My wife spoke to a man in sales who was anything but sympathetic, indeed my wife has told me he tried to twist the story and said his hands were tied and that there was nothing he could do.

He told my wife I should have taken the car back to the dealership on the Saturday, how could I, I did not know I had been given a car without screen wash!

He also said I should not have driven the car to Dundee; I did not know the car did not have screen wash.

This man failed to understand that my wife was asking for help from a so-called professional, he was anything but!

My wife told him the bonnet catch appeared to be broken. This arrogant person told my wife there was no way the catch was broken.

He seemed more interested in confrontation than helping a customer.

This person then called me on my mobile telephone.

I had spoken with my wife and was angered by the dismissive way he spoke to her.

I told him I was extremely unhappy and indeed I was very angry as I had just been in a life-threatening situation and was in mild shock.

He really could not care less and left me reeling.

He told me in a very brutal voice ‘’don’t you ever speak to me that way again you cunt!’’ How dare he speak to me this way! Is he mentally ill?

I am afraid at this point I had had enough and told him exactly what I thought of him and the way he was dealing with the situation.

 I asked to speak to the dealer principal and he put the phone down.

Arnold Clarke Aberdeen did not contact me again.

I called your breakdown number, they failed to recognise the car’s registration and said their truck was off the

I took a call from Arnold Clarke Vauxhall in Dundee who had been told that all the car needed was screen wash.

I had repeatedly told the breakdown operator that the bonnet catch was broken.

A very professional man in Dundee called
Mike Andrews confirmed this, he managed to open the bonnet and fill the car with screen wash.

Mike was a real gentleman and confirmed that the bonnet catch seemed to be faulty.

I believe your Aberdeen Volvo branch should reassess the way it deals with customers.

Whoever I spoke to in Aberdeen was a very nasty piece of work and should not be representing Arnold Clarke.

I could have been involved in a serious accident due to this error, which also meant I driving illegally!

I will not discuss this matter with the person in Aberdeen again and indeed if he attempts approach me when I collect my car next weekend I will not engage in conversation; if he appears threatening I will not hesitate to call the Police.

I hope this Formal Complaint is taken with the utmost seriousness and that I will be able to put my trust in Arnold Clarke to behave more professionally and attentively in future.



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